Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thesis Statement

Andrew Jackson was our nation’s seventh president, and one of our best generals in the Wars of his time period. Our nation’s 7th president who found America a republic but left it a democracy. With thoughts of claiming military glory this man jumped at the chance to offer his assistance in the war. Known to his allies as “Old Hickory” for sharing his men’s hardships while he let his wounded men ride horseback. Thoroughly known for participation in the Creek’s civil war, known for his military prowess in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans, plus his cruelty towards Native Americans consequently leading to the Trail of Tears.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Topic Selection Essay

The individual in history I chose is Andrew Jackson our seventh president who is shown on the twenty dollar bill because I am interested in his participation in the War of 1812. He was a major general who became a national hero and his influence he made as a president. He was important to history because without his views we couldn't have branded nullification as treason and made Congress reduce tariff in 1833, defusing the Bank War & nullification crisis.