Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday meeting

Well on that Thursday we had walked around the school going to the lunchroom and outside for ideas for a bench there. I said some good ideas and everyone else did too.

Service Learning Reflections

What do you want us to do clean the dirty keyboards in the school or start planting or just go around helping the janitors?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Service Learning Reflections Week One

On week one of our group hours we were having fun until Mrs. Thompson had separated us into two groups like pre-schoolers. There was group A&B. She was always deducting points for stupid things like talking or laughing and then she made us pass around a talking stick to stop everyone from talking at once. But near the end we did come up with good ideas like a lounge for students and a student garden or making one at the NCC but we'd have to use annuals (year long flowers that grow back every spring). And that's what we did.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Service Learning Reflections

Service Learning Reflections

During my independent hours I was working at TYWLS (The Young Women’s Leadership School) at Rhodes. For my hours I did things such as shredding old documents and copying papers to pass out papers and stapling them for the secretaries to pass out in the school to advisors and teachers. I also had worked in the supply closets to stock reams of paper on the shelves as many as 100, 20 lbs. reams of paper and then on some days I would walk around the entire school from A-D house to handing out supplies to many schools during Saturday School hours handing out reams of paper, some days give out lunch passes and hall passes, giving out boxes of tissues to the many classes of that school. Then sometimes if worked hard they get me something to drink. So on all the other days I was by myself going to the many classes handing out supplies.