Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Graduation Essay

Dear Readers, this is one of my many essays I am going to publish enjoy!I wrote this one because I've corrected all mistakes and my sentence structure has improved.My details are better than before.Plus I've worked on my hook and my challenging conclusion. So my teacher should grade me based on my writing style and details. So I deserve a 4 at least Mr. Romero.

You want to know something interesting? I’m going to be a graduating member of the class of 2011 at C.H.S. The reason why is because I have ambition. Next is because I want to get a good job in my lifetime. Third is because I made a promise to myself that I’d go past high school to college and move into the working world.

Now on to the first reason why I know I’m going to graduate. It’s because I have ambition. A reason for this is because I read a lot to expand my knowledge and my vocabulary, thus making me more fluent, with the English language. Another reason is because I’ve been on honor roll for eight years straight for every semester. Then finally I want to make my dad proud because he never graduated from high school and I want to show him I can.

My second reason why I know I’m going to graduate because I want to get a great job in life. So to expand on that subject because I don’t want a low paying job like a bag boy I want a high paying lawyer, related job. Besides I need a high paying job to support my lifestyle. Then it teaches you how to be responsible, because if you don’t do your part your job will suffer.

So for my third and final reason I made a promise to myself .I promised to get a good, well paying job like a lawyer or doctor because those jobs help people throughout their life. I also promised to get into a high ranked position within those jobs.

Basically now you now you know I’m going to graduate in the class of 2011. As I wrote in the first paragraph I have ambition. Two is because I want to get a great job and finally I made a promise to myself. So know I’m graduating so what about you just sitting reading why you know I’m graduating?

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