Thursday, January 10, 2008

Should Huck Finn Be Taught In School


I believe that Huck Finn should be taught in high school. One reason is because even though high school kids are immature they could learn from this book. Two is because this book is a good read if you can read between the lines for example interpreting what Jim really had intended to do.

My first reason for why Huck Finn should be taught in school is because high school kids can learn life lessons from this book. They learn how true friends look out for each other from saving the other friend from a slave catchers to helping the other get away from bad family members. Look out for the other when one is bit by a rattlesnake and can't travel for days. Or making sure the other friend stays out of trouble when he lies.

Now on to my second reason why Huck Finn: should be taught in high school. No one happens to read between the lines anymore but just read what's in front of them and no further. The first example is when Jim wants to go north besides being sold he wants to be free and go up North to get a job and to buy his family from this unequal servitude. That’s one of the many things that you can put together before the character talks about it more deeply.

So that's my opinion of why Huck Finn should be taught in high school in my honest opinion. But that's my opinion so you don't have to believe it. So read the book put together all the things I said and see if I'm right.

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