Thursday, January 10, 2008

Huck Finn Mind Evaluation


In these next two paragraphs I'll explain why Huck Finn in the terms of the Id, Ego, and Superego he's the Ego. I'll explain why Huck's always torn between two sides constantly from making a small fib to a huge lie like in the movie where he was with two con men who tried to rob three heiresses of their inheritance. Another case is when in the book where Huck goes to school and the Widow tries to make him into a good kid. But the Id as it always does lures him off track to cut class and wear rags trying to live life his way.

 In real life there are people who always follow their Id to do unspeakable things such as murder, stealing and con people. Like in the story two men were mistaken for brothers of a deceased man who in fact had a great fortune from property values to gold coins. So they ran into Huck and Jim and forced them to go along with their plan since Jim was a runaway slave. So since they were told they'd get their cut if they play along for a while until they take the money. So Huck was an English valet and Jim a Swahili Warrior and they conned everyone in the town except the youngest sister and the doctor. Until Huck's superego came into play and makes him do the right thing and tell the sisters all that he knows which leads to the two men being tarred and feathered.

The second case is when the Widow makes Huck go to school and at the time his Ego let play along and try to better himself by being a young man until Huck's Id over powers his Ego. So then he cuts school to hang out with Tom Sawyer and the rest of the gang, lies to the Widow and Miss Watson by saying he went to school even though he hung out with friends. Playing games such as highwaymen robbing rich folk taking their possessions and other things. But then his Pap came back and his Id went back to sleep making his Ego gain control and tell him to escape.

So to summarize my entire essay Huck is basically torn between to mindsets the Id and Superego. From time to time his Id gets loose thus making do bad decisions that he soon regrets later on and then he settles down which finally releases his Superego to which makes Huck do the right thing and set things straight thus, clearing his conscience and helping people out.

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